عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 03-30-2017, 01:43 PM
الينا-قصة بالانجليزي

HaKuna tribe
stopy is about ILINA the girl who discovered HAKUNA TRIBE.

ILINA have pashion of filming and photographing .She loves to take picturs of nature
Once open a time,when she was walking she saw a cave .She wanted ti see what was in it after she heard a strange sounds. The moument she entered she feel down in a deep hole .Once she woke up .....she saw people with strange clothes and make up on their face .After she talked with them ......she found out that they don't know time and date.She halped them ti know time and discover the world.
She lived with them a week ......they give her new name which was ...BIG EYED GIRL because she was American and they were chineese.
She took alot of picturs for memory with them.....sadly she heard her mom sound
لا احد يردد :nop:

I Can Be What I Want

المستحيل:~هو ليس ما ع جزت عنه~*إنما ما لم يكتبه الله لك

"براءة مفقودة|أطفال العرب"
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