المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة scorpionking
most computer has a timing when your children use it.. It will shut off automatically...in order for the kidd's to have limited use for the computer..you can block them from bad sites by programing the computer not to respond to your kidd's=children ...and in most country's under the legal age can't use the computer without his mother and father knowledge .. |
بعد إذن هدهد العرب ^^
أولا دم مش موضوع نقاشنا الاساسي
ثانيا لو افتردنا اننا نعمل ده فى البيت
طب فى السيبر .... ساعات اللى الواحد عايز يعمله ما بيمنهوش منها غير ربنا ...