رد: اسس تعلم اللغه اليابانية / ضمائر /حروف/ اسماء/كلمات مهمه How to Count in Japanese
Learning numbers and counting in Japanese is simplified because the Japanese number system is quite logical. The entire number system is based on counting the number of tens and then adding the ones. For example, 11 is jū-ichi, which is 10 (jū) plus 1 (ichi). 21 is ni-jū-ichi, which is 2 (ni) times 10 (jū) plus 1 (ichi).
When you're counting numbers in order, you'll use this pronunciation.
ichi1ni2san3shi or yon4go5roku6shichi or nana7hachi8kyû9jû10jûichi11jûni12jûsan13jûshi or jûyon14jûgo15jûroku16jûshichi or jûnana17jûhachi18jûkyû or jûku19nijû20nijûichi21nijûni22nijûsan23sanjû30sanjûichi31sanjûni32yonjû40gojû50rokujû60nanajû70hachi jû80kyûjû90kyûjûkyû99