عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 01-19-2007, 03:03 AM
رد: جلد معلمة سعودية لضربها طالبة بريطانية في الخبر(صورة الجلد أمام الرجال

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Khawla Wise مشاهدة المشاركة
I lived around Saudi people, and taught some of their students in the University. One thing as a University teacher you are nannying their kids, not teaching them.

Second they are very spoiled rich kids regardless their back ground, and think they know religion very well. I will say yes some that live in Makkah, and Al-Madeenah, but the one that they come to the USA. They practice Islam in bars, and looking to women. They get ride of their religion on the plane, before they even land in the USA.

Then they blame it on the American, and the British. God help them to see themselves for who they are.
Trying to understand what you are aiming to say,, but in vain.
we are not discussing saudi students ,, we talk about the system..
but we, how ever , do not find saudi students spoiled rich kids as you say.
In our universities they are good students.. and according to university prof. in saudi arabia they find them good -in general for sure ...

Now, as for practicing Islam in bars, and looking to women, i do not think you saw muslim around you... you might have met the trash of saudi arabia and other arab and muslim world, only the trash.

Thank you Khawla