01-29-2007, 12:44 PM
AnGeL ANGEL There is no angel…
I know that…
But I see one…
There is no angel like him…
he's like a dream…
When I need him, I found him beside me…
When I cry, his shoulder where my tears goes…
When the world is dark, he's like the lights that brighten up my life…
When there's no one to talk to, his heart is open as it was waiting for me…
When I'm sick, he's like the medicine to me…
If I feel cold, his arm warms me up…
If I lost, he leads me to the way…
If you see him eyes, you will find a lot of emotions and love…
If you felt his love, you will sink deep inside his heart…
If you want to leave, you can't coz there something bring you back to his arms… Because he's an angel of love…!!! WiTh AlL My BeSt WiShEs
__________________ اللهم أرنا الحق حقاً و أرزقنا إتباعه ،، و أرنا الباطل باطلاً و أرزقنا أجتنابه
أسأل الله أن يغفر لي كل ذنب أذنبته
أشهد الله و اشهدكم أني بريئ من أي موضوع يخالف الدين في أي قسم من الأقسا م التي أشرفت عليها
سامحونا .. و أدعوا لنا |