عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-02-2010, 08:17 AM
Tasmanian Devil حيوان الدفل في استرالي

Tasmanian Devil

Sarcophilus harrisii

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bite of the Tasmanian Devil

Tasmanian Devils Kicking Ass

The Tasmanian Devil(Sarcophilus harrisii) is a carnivorousmarsupial now found in the wild only in the Australian island state of Tasmania. The Tasmanian Devil is the only extant member of the genus Sarcophilus. The size of a small dog, but stocky and muscular, the Tasmanian Devil is now the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world after the extinction of the Thylacine in 1936. It is characterised by its black fur, pungent odour when stressed, extremely loud and disturbing screech, and ferocity when feeding. It is known to both hunt prey and scavenge carrion and although it is usually solitary, it sometimes eats with other devils.

The Tasmanian Devil was extirpated on the Australian mainland about 400 years before European settlement in 1788. Because they were seen as a threat to livestock in Tasmania, devils were hunted until 1941, when they became officially protected. Since the late 1990s devil facial tumour disease has reduced the devil population significantly and now threatens the survival of the species, which in May 2009 was declared to be endangered. Programs are currently being undertaken by the Tasmanian government to reduce the impact of the disease.
فوالله لن تلبثوا بعد طردي من المنتدي الا اذلة خائفين تهول اهوالكم وتتقلب احوالكم ويسلط الله عليكم من يجرعكم مرارة الذل والهوان يسقيكم مصاب الهزيمة والخسران ويذيقكم مالم تحتسبوه من طعم العناء ويريكم مالم ترتجوه من البلاء ولا يزال بكم على هذا الحال حتى يحول بكم شر فأل جموع مثبورة صرعى في الروابي والفلوات حتى اذا انقضى عديدكم وقل حديدكم ودمدم عليكم مدمر عروشكم وترككم أيادي سبأ واورث الله المستضعفين ارضكم ودياركم واموالكم فاذا قد امسيتم لعنة تجدد على افواه الناس

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