عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 03-16-2007, 02:01 AM
رد: الحب للزوج العقيم والغدر للزوجه العاقر

lol set Samora I like ur sense of humor u'r cool..Im still single but i wont mind 4.. this way i will do like 3adel Imam says '' 7atgawaz w a23od fe elbeat''
الوردة الجورية..
For Sure Ente men Madaba^205^
chill hun..
There is a very good point now adays..me and my future wife can always go and check if we can have babies or not..still if i give her my heart i will marry her no matter what, but i got to marry another to have my DNA transformed to alittle Wjeeh
And for my previous input if u couldnt understand it let me explain again..this time dont close ur eyes
imagine if u couldnt bear children and before marrige u found out that wouldnt be better if u marry someone who had another wife or u would rather be single for the rest of ur life..and go against ur nature...
its funny how all u Ladies complain how u not traited right and u want to be equall to a man..yet again when u take the train. and there are no seats available for u ...you would rightaway go to ur tenderness and wish some guy would stand up for u..so u wont have to take the trip standing on ur legs..

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