عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 06-02-2011, 10:34 AM


Every weekend at 8 am
Little kid with big brown eyes
and extremely loud voice :laaaa:
wake ME up by jumping on my bed telling me to wake :haa:
"sami you burnin the day light"
"come on sami"
"sami i brought you an ice cream"

My God
everytime i hate him more
I wanna kill him
Smother him
Burn him

Today he didn't wake me
but i did wake
I Tried to go back to sleep
But i couldn't :laaaa:
For some reason.. I didnt like the quiet that i always wished for

I could swear i hear my bed screamin for someone to jump on it =|

And To tell the truth .. Something
felt wrong .. It's like
!!! I miss him ....

Naaah I must be hungry xD

Fremder Schmerz geht nicht ans Herz
!! ..

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