crying:is the "only" thing that can make me feel Better . . . But ..!! I'm Sick of It ... Because when you cry .. people become Like : "Ooooooh .. what are crying for ?" Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezz ..!! what the hell is wrong whith you people ? If you Saw someone crying .. you should not ask him "why" you Just got to say : "I'm Here.." that can make crying people feel good ^^
__________________ كل انسآن يمُر ب فترهہ لا يطيق مكآلمہَ آحدد لا يجاوب الآ بكلمہ ينجرح على شيّ تآفہ حسساس جداً عينآھہ تذرف في آيّ وقت = \ # فَ رفقاً بنا بَ هذھ المرحلہ , . ^^ |