عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 06-07-2012, 11:31 PM
:wardah:More than a friend:wardah:

i have been asking myself
if u weren't there,
how was gonna be my life
who would ever care,
u have been there for me
even if i'm foaraway,
and every thing not as it should be
u always save the day,
somtimes i'm so hard to understand
somtimes i lose it all,
but i know u are more than friend
that u won't let me fall,
i want to tell u that i'm sorry
for every thing i done,
and that what realy make me worry
to find that u have gone,
so i raise my hand and for god i pray
to be always together,
to lose u is more than i can ever pay
to lose things i'll never gather.

by Littel Angel

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