الموضوع: عضو في ورطة
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 09-03-2012, 10:49 PM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة نسمة قلب مشاهدة المشاركة
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ღ▫ sρɪяɪτ ▫ღ
Ah ....

I completely forgot about it
Well then .. Now ..!!!
Let me see
You're saying that i have to imagine myself married
Not having a comfortable life
My friend is before my husband on my list
Doing things on my own
Lending money that doesnt even mine to people without the owner premission

You cant call this a trouble but a huge mistake

Anyway .. I guess i have to say something about it
But do not expect that i would try to force my brain to give you something brilliant

I will give you a simple answer
That if i went through that situation
I would simply tell the truth
Cause it's all my fault from the very beginning
And i should pay for behaving like this

And about the car ....
I even dislike cars

Will this is my answer then
What is your punishment

But let it not be something need thinkng
That is my brain is about to explode
Cause of all the questions i've been asked today

See ya now !

جرييييييييييييييييدة بالانجليزي
قتلتووونا بيها
لا شطورة يا بنت
الي بعدووووووووووووووووو
لساني اعوج وانا بقرا
وياريت طلعت بشي
Hey , that's so mean
I'm not a killer
Thank you sweety
You're the best


In this world flooded by ordinary princesses .. I will always be the fabulous dragon

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