عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-01-2012, 12:44 AM
To test your progress at this level answer all questions, then click 'Test Results' for on-line corrections.

Rewrite these sentences so they mean the same as the first.
Example: There is no point in seeing that film
That film isn't worth seeing

1. "You broke the window" said the teacher to the

The teacher accused

2. I had better go to the dentist soon


3. The last time I went to the opera was about 4
months ago


4. "I don't want to go on holiday with you," said Mary
to her boyfriend

Mary told her boyfriend that

5. Although the film was good it received a poor write
up from the critics


6. They had to wait 2 hours before the meeting began

Only after a

7. Would you mind not smoking here

I'd rather

8. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't answer the


9. It makes no difference if the play is full booked,
we will still try to get a ticket

We will still try and get a ticket

10. I would do anything for you


11. I didn't realise who I had been speaking to till later

Only later

12. The house was so run down that nobody would
buy it

They had such

Rewrite these sentences so they mean the same as the first. DO NOT CHANGE THE FORM OF THE GIVEN WORD.
Example: There is no point in seeing that film
That film isn't worth seeing

13. He is certainly not rich


14. Someone has burgled his house


15. I wonder if you could possibly carry this case for me


16. He can hardly sleep


17. Mike had difficulty in finishing his degree


18. It wasn't my intention to make you jump


Choose the correct option: A, B, C or D:

19. Guesthouse rooms must be .......... by noon

A. vacated
B. abandoned
C. left
D. evacuated

20. At the end of the course special prizes were .........
to the winning participants

A. won
B. awarded
C. earned
D. deserved

21. If the bomb had exploded it could .......... have killed
hundreds of people

A. might
B. well
C. equally
D. yet

22. After many years of research, they found the
solution ..........

A. by the end
B. at the end
C. at last
D. on the end

23. "I know it's late, so I shall not .......... you any
longer" said the sales manager to his sales team

A. detain
B. hold up
C. withhold
D. retard

24. You can go to the party .......... you are back home
by midnight

A. as well as
B. as time as
C. as long as
D. as far as

25. How many sheets of paper do you think this file
will ..........

A. occupy
B. suit
C. fit
D. hold
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