Sex : 1) Male 2) Female
How old are you : 1) 10 to 15 2) 15 to 25 3) More then 25
-How many hours do you use the internet : 1) One hour 2) Two hours 3) Three
hours 4) More then three hours
-You use the internet service through: 1) Personal computer 2) Family's computer
Internet cafes 4) Other source
-Does your family complains of your frequent presence on the Internet
1Yes 2) No
If “Yes” How isyourrelationshipwith them: 1) Very well 2)I sometimes talk
to them 3) I rarely talk to them 4) I never talk to them
-How intensity is your desire to Internet: 1)So strong 2) Normal 3) No desire
What arethemotivesthatmakes you related about it -
Did your wants of reading books and magazines or anything else you used to do on
your free time influenced after using the internet : 1) Yes 2) No
If “Yes” do you think that this influenced is good for you : 1) Yes 2) No-
-Do you find yourself using the Internet as a means of escape from personal problems
or to improve your mood: 1) Yes 2) No 3) Sometimes
If yes is it really help : 1) Yes 2) No 3) A little-
Did your system of eating or sleeping Been affected after using the internet-
-What is your main goal behind using the Internet
Are you interested in advertising that appear on the Internet: 1)Yes 2) No
Do you feel that you benefitedfrom the Internet: 1) Yes 2) No
What kind of forums or Sites do you prefer to visit : 1) Games 2) Chatting
Scientific 4) Political 5) Other sites.
وبهذا أكون أتعبتكم بما يكفي ،، PLS ساعدوني حقا أحتاج لأجوبتكم
سلاموو ^^