عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 01-29-2013, 04:14 AM
Arrow Download Zoom Player 8.60 Beta 12 / Zoom Player 2013

Download Zoom Player 8.60 Beta 12 / Zoom Player 2013
Zoom Player يعتبر البرنامج الأفضل لتشغيل صيغ الصوت و الفيديو audio and video فهو يتميز بسرعته الكبيرة في تشغيل الأفلام والأغاني وسهولة إستخدامه يوفر لك برنامج Zoom Player الخيارات اللازمه لتشغيل جميع الملفات الصوتية والمرئية دون مشاكل في الأكواد وبجميع صيغها .. حصد البرنامج على الكثير من الجوائز كأفضل برنامج تشغيل ملتيميديا في العالم

Zoom Player 8.60 Beta 12

Zoom Player is a very fast media player. Prior to Zoom Player, playing media files on the PC was either overly simplistic for the Power User or overly cryptic to the common user. Zoom Player tries to both simplify the playback experience for the common user, while giving the Power Users all the tools and interfaces they may require to manipulate their playback environment to their exact specification.

To that end, Zoom Player employs a slick and simple user interface, combined with easy to access features while at the same time providing advanced control dialogs over every feature imaginable.

Zoom Player was designed from the ground up to load quick, take as little system resources as possible, provide user feedback/direction as appropriate and maintain as much isolation from other applications and system components as not to undermine overall stability.

Download Zoom Player 8.60 Beta 12

with my best wishes