اقدم لكم مشاركتي في هذه المسابقة
وبما ان موضوع القطعة الانكليزية كان عن اي موضوع تريد^^"
قررت ان اكتب عن القمر وان اذكر فيها اشياء عنه
اولا دعوني اذكر لكم المعلومات عني@@"
المرحلة الدراسية:-الخامس الاعدادي
life on the moon
have you seen the large star in the sky at night which is glowing more than any other stars, it is called the moon and if you asked me I'll say that it's the most beautiful view I ever seen
of course every one of us have seen it but we didn't
knew what's on it until Scientists sent a few rokets to the moon over years
but not all of it reached it and after alot of missions they finally took step on thee moon
that was a big day for them
but they discover that living on the moon was impossible because there is no air or water on it the two thing that living then need most and without them they die
the moon still shining in the sky until this day
making this beautiful view that we love
moon was always making me raising me head up in the air just to see it's light deam
and I still do it and keep doing it
but question still ask itslef
can we live on the moon in the future??
and if this happened then how and why??
are we going to need to live on it???
because of what are we doing to earth
we shoud think about what we have before we lose it
this beautiful planet that we live on is dying can't we be kind with it
so we may not need to
live on the moon
مشاركة متواضعة فعلا
قد تكون قواعدها هنا وهناك سيئة اعلم
لان لغتي الانكليزية فعلا ليست بتلك الجودة
لكن ارجوا ان تكون مناسبة للمنافسة مع باقي المشاركات
وشكرا على المسابقة الرائعة^^