عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 04-12-2013, 10:25 AM
Kindness to heat the bonus-driven, and kindness to vile motivate to re-issue.

Satan said: Wonders of the sons of Adam! Love God and Aasouna, HateMi


To Atstan Bzalm unjust even not be prey to two

If people talked Just know, just calm many places

Brothers bad like fire burn each other

Sometimes children say the words to Atjibna .. We Ntguena them

To prevent him from falling better than help after a fall

Who were born in the storms are not afraid to be strong winds

Honesty Ezz even if it Matl .. And lying humiliation even if the Healing brush

Not the fault of the back of your enrollment as long as you have walked in the wrong way

Happiest hearts .. That beats for others

Amnesty heals better than punishment .. Sometimes

When cooperation man to climb the mountain approaching him from the top

Be careful as you advised .. Some may believe you

ذهـــبت لمكتــــبة الحـــــياة أبــــحث عـــن كتابيـــــن :
" أصــــــدقاء بدون مصالح " و " حــــب بدون خيـــــانه "
فـــــقالوا لـــي : إذهبِ إلى قسم .. " الخيال !!!