عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 04-12-2013, 10:33 AM
Do not hesitate to be regretted those who erred in his right

And see his eyes and you pronounce the word sorry to read in your eyes which he hears with his ears

Do not judge a person by his relatives only

Man did not choose his parents, let alone his relatives

Of Modern Literature in Tel

When the phone rings and you smiled meet speaker

Van محدثك on the other end will see your smile through the tones of your voice

Of the etiquette of marriage

Married are able to Conversation

When your old age you will know the importance of it when it becomes to talk with the one you love your top priorities and interests

If you like people, go to him and say you love

But if you do not really mean what it says

Because he will know the truth just by looking in your eyes

ذهـــبت لمكتــــبة الحـــــياة أبــــحث عـــن كتابيـــــن :
" أصــــــدقاء بدون مصالح " و " حــــب بدون خيـــــانه "
فـــــقالوا لـــي : إذهبِ إلى قسم .. " الخيال !!!