it's hard to regain someone's trust ! especially if u was one of his happiness sources someday ! , now u have just betrayed his trust ! u was the main reason of his sadness ! and becuz he used to say "u r one of my happiness sources" he won't ever say "why u hurting me ?" u would keep wondering why have he stoped trusting u ? and he would keep pretending to have a trust problem just not to tell u "u have perfectly broke my heart" don't dare to ask why I'm sad ! even if it wasn't directly u who's making me sad it's always something about u ! and as usual I'd say "No one have done anything wrong , I'm just sensitive" but u know what it's u
__________________ _ أستَغفِر الله العَظيم .. لا حَولَ ولا قوة إلا بالله الحَمدُ لله .. الله أكبر .. سُبحان الله ..
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمد رسول الله ..
اللهم صَلِ وسَلِم وبارِك علي محمد وعلي آله وصَحبِهِ أجمَعين اللهم لا إله إلا أنت الحي القيوم , برحمتك أستَغيث _ |