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Portable Adobe Illustrator CS المجموعه المميزه نبدأ اولاً البرنامج العملاق بنسخته البورتبل بدون تنصيب Portable Adobe® Illustrator®CS Adobe® Illustrator® CS software gives you new creative freedom that lets you realize your ideas quickly and powerfully. Instantly convert bitmaps to vector artwork and paint more intuitively. Save time with intelligent palettes and optimized workspaces. Plus, tight integration with other software allows you to produce extraordinary graphics for print, video, the web, and mobile devices الحجم : 37 Mb
التحميل : http://rapidshare.de/files/29928057/...strator_CS.rar او http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UKEVD0OA باسوورد الملف المضغوط : $$
Portable Adobe Illustrator CS2 Adobe Illustrator CS2 is the latest (April 2005) release of Adobe Illustrator, the industry-standard vector graphics software. Illustrator CS2 gives designers new creative freedom so they can realize ideas quickly and powerfully. Users can instantly convert bitmaps to vector artwork with Live Trace, paint intuitively with Live Paint and save time with the new context-sensitive Control Palette and optimized workspaces. Plus, tight integration with other software, both within the new Adobe Creative Suite 2 and with other applications, lets designers produce extraordinary graphics for print, video, the Web, and mobile devices الحجم : 52 Mb التحميل : http://rapidshare.com/files/49368790...umimaj.com.rar او http://rapidshare.com/files/31118047...e.nu_.exe.html Portable Adobe Illustrator CS3 Adobe Illustrator CS3 software allows you to efficiently create sophisticated vector artwork for virtually any medium. Access tools quickly and easily, explore color variations, and share files seamlessly between Illustrator and other Adobe professional applications as you prepare content for print, web and interactive, and mobile and motion designs الحجم : 82 Mb التحميل : http://rapidshare.com/files/52602935...trator_CS3.rar
نسخة آخرى مصغرة
Adobe Illustrator CS3 Portable
Language: English | 65.7 MB (7-Zip
Portable application for use on USB-sticks
New features include Live Color, which provides tools for creating color harmonies based on color theory, and the ability to dynamically apply colors to selected objects and shift the tone of an entire illustration at one time. Remapping controls are also provided for reducing the numbers of colors in an artwork. Also new are better integration with Flash, with named symbol instances and dynamic/static text; improved drawing tools and controls; faster runtime performance; an Eraser tool that works on vector objects; a Crop Area tool; and an improved Isolation Mode for groups and symbol definitions
Packed file size: 65.7 MB (
unpacked size: 252 MB, 1 executable + program
بعد فك الضغط : 252 MB
التحميل : http://rapidshare.com/files/47216326...strator_CS3.7z Portable Adobe Illustrator CS3 lite Explore new paths with the essential vector tool Discover new ways to experiment with color; work faster with new drawing tools and controls; and produce artwork for print, web, mobile, and motion designs with Adobe® Illustrator® CS3 software 82 Mb التحميل : http://rapidshare.com/files/41894227...r_CS3_lite.rar باسوورد الملف المضغوط: www.softarchive.net او http://rapidshare.com/files/40764924/Port.AIlCS3.rar ختاماً
(Portable Adobe CS3 Collection (AIO
تتضمن الباقة
:Portable Adobe Collection includes
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended
Adobe Illustrator CS3
Adobe In Design CS3
Adobe Flash CS3 Professional
Adobe Fireworks CS3
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
Adobe GoLive CS3
Adobe LightRoom 1.1
Adobe Page Maker 7.01
Adobe Digital Editions
Portable versions of fine and necessary programs from Adobe
الحجم :
675MB Compress
1.45GB UnCompress
Format .ISO
التحميل :
من المرفقات تم تجميع الموضوع من عدة مواقع أجنبية بالتوفيق للجميع