I am so lonely and so sad
You're the reason that I'm feeling bad
I am so lonely and so sad
Living in a dream I've never had
My face against the window pane
A tear for every drop of rain
I'm living like already I have died
Have died
Emptiness a present past
A silent scream to shatter glass
I have to go; it's time for me to fly
Who will care if I'm not here?
If suddenly I disappeared?
No one's gonna notice it at all
Dying flowers in my hand
I'm vanishing from where I stand
It isn't yet too late to get the truth
__________________ هل تعلم آنك آذآ علقتَ آنسآن ..في حبك و آنت تلعب به !
![ تتحمل جميع ذنوبه آلى يوم آلقيآمة ] . .
.و آنكَ آذآ آبكيتَ آنسآن , تلعنكَ آلملآئكة
الى آن يرضى عنكَ .
فــ( رفقاً بقلوب البشر التى احبتكم )
مدونتي ♥ http://vb.arabseyes.com/t415797.html |