09-29-2013, 08:34 PM
“You know now how precious you were to me. You weren’t thrown away, you were the most important person to me. An incredible person. And so, you’ll become someone else’s incredibly precious person. Promise me that for my sake, you’ll be happy. So that I can leave this world without regrets, so I can start over in the next life. , be happy for my sake.”
__________________ حلمنا نهار .......نهارنا عمل
نملك الخيار .....وخيارنا الأمل
وتهدينا الحياة أضواء في آخر النفق..........تدعونا كي ننسى ألم عشناه
نستسلم لكن لا مادمنا أحياء نرزق.........ما دام الامل طريقاً فسنحياه |