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قديم 02-16-2014, 03:46 PM
Talking مضاد الفايروسات مجاني تحميل Free dwonload antivirus

مضاد الفايروسات مجاني تحميل Free dwonload antivirus قام بتحميل هذا البرنامج اكثر من 3 مليون شخص من اهم برامج مكافحة فايروسات المجانية يزيل العديد من أشكال البرمجيات الخبيثة Spyware مع القضاء التام على جميع انواع مخاطر الفايروسات Virus والديدان الخطيرة وملفات التي تصنف ضمن بوت والتي لديها القدرة التامة على اخفاء نفسها بين الملفات او بين اجزاء من قرص الصلب يمتلك البرنامج القدرة العالية على قضاء جميع انواع viruses, worms, and Trojans, blocks وحجرها او حذفها كما تشاء يعمل بالخلفية بالوقت الحقيقي لكشف المخاطر الى قد تلحق في حاسوبك مع امكانية كشف التسلالات التي تتم من خلال مواقع الأنترنت الخبيثة ويبقى حاسوبك أمن اثناء استخدامك لشبكة العنبوكتية او الولوج الى مواقع غير أمنة الكثير من مميزات التي يمكنك كشفها من خلال برنامج مكافح الفايروسات المجاني Avira Free Antivirus فهو مقاتل شرس ضد الفايروسات ويعتمد على قاعدة بيانات كبيرة مع تحديثها المستمر لكشف انواع الفايروسات الجديدة والقضاء عليها نهائيا متوافق مع جميع انظمة تشغيل ويندوز يستحق التجربة اكيد

Avira Free Antivirus
Basic virus protection which is offered for home users

Avira AntiVir Personal seems to be the right choice for all those who are searching for a solution with decent performance and regular updates, just to be sure infections stay away from their precious data.

The developers over at Avira have always offered a well-organized interface, and their latest antivirus solution makes no exception to this rule. Fortunately, although it's supposed to fight against viruses, the application comes with a handy user interface that lets you configure it with ease.

Avira only offers a bunch of settings, so advanced users should have no problem to deal with them, although beginners should too find the whole application quite easy to use.

The installation process is not that pleasant though. If you have Windows Defender installed, Avira advises you to remove it before continuing the installation. We chose “No” because it would make much more sense to use Avira together with Windows Defender, and not as a single solution.

Continuing the installation brings you to another important moment: you must decide whether you wish to install a toolbar, which is actually the reason why the app is marked as ad-supported.

Scanning is the kind of process that requires minimal interaction from the user. Choose the hard-disk you want to scan and let Avira do its magic. Scanning is not too fast though, and you may have to wait a little while to get rid of the worms. The speed of the scanning process obviously depends on the amount of data stored on your computer, so more files means more time.

Avira promises to protect your computer against viruses, worms and Trojans AntiDialer protection as well as against dialers and rootkits, spyware and adware. In addition, there are dedicated tools to provide mail and web protection, plus a separate firewall to make sure you're going to stay on the safe side.

In the end, Avira's antivirus solution seems just right for those who want nothing more than a software capable of blocking viruses and Trojan horses. The interface is more than decent, but a faster scanning process would be great. Still, what you pay is what you get, and Avira is clearly a smart pick.

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