عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 12-02-2007, 08:13 PM
رد: مكتبة عيون العرب الطبية ..

بعض تسجيلات الفيديو الاضافة الخاصة بالامراض الجلدية .. Dermatology

اضغط على الجزء المطلوب للتحميل المباشر .. الفايلات تعمل مع Real Player ..

Spray Freezing (2:07 min)Demonstration of pinpoint bombing of a small flat lesion on a patient's leg, followed by spray freezing of a raised wart that has been previously anesthetized with EMLA cream.

Punch Biopsy (5:13 min)Demonstration of a punch biopsy performed on pig skin, including a vertical mattress closure of the biopsy site.

Punch Biopsy (1:13 min)An abdominal mole is injected with anesthetic (Lidocaine and epinephrine) and removed.

Punch Site Closure (3:03 min)The punch biopsy site from the previous video segment is closed by the vertical mattress technique using 4-0 Prolene suture material.

Shave Biopsy (1:31 min)Proper shave biopsy technique using a double edge razor blade is demonstrated on pig skin.

Shave Biopsy (1:38 min)Demonstration of shave technique on a previously anesthetized abdominal mole.

Hyfrecator Basics (1:57 min)Basic tutorial on the use of a hyfrecator unit to destroy skin tags.

Skin Tag Removal (6:49 min)Multiple skin tags of various size are removed using the hyfrecator unit and also scissors. Included is a discussion of the use of Drysol to stop bleeding.

Incision and Tumor Removal (6:43 min)A small abdominal lipoma is removed from a previously anesthetized patient (local injection of Lidocaine and epinephrine) and the incision site is closed using a one layered closure (vertical mattress suture using 4-0 Prolene.)

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