مكتبة عيون العرب الطبية ..
عرض مشاركة واحدة
12-02-2007, 08:13 PM
رد: مكتبة عيون العرب الطبية ..
بعض تسجيلات الفيديو الاضافة الخاصة بالامراض الجلدية .. Dermatology
اضغط على الجزء المطلوب للتحميل المباشر
.. الفايلات تعمل مع Real Player ..
Spray Freezing
(2:07 min)Demonstration of pinpoint bombing of a small flat lesion on a patient's leg, followed by spray freezing of a raised wart that has been previously anesthetized with EMLA cream.
Punch Biopsy
(5:13 min)Demonstration of a punch biopsy performed on pig skin, including a vertical mattress closure of the biopsy site.
Punch Biopsy
(1:13 min)An abdominal mole is injected with anesthetic (Lidocaine and epinephrine) and removed.
Punch Site Closure
(3:03 min)The punch biopsy site from the previous video segment is closed by the vertical mattress technique using 4-0 Prolene suture material.
Shave Biopsy
(1:31 min)Proper shave biopsy technique using a double edge razor blade is demonstrated on pig skin.
Shave Biopsy
(1:38 min)Demonstration of shave technique on a previously anesthetized abdominal mole.
Hyfrecator Basics
(1:57 min)Basic tutorial on the use of a hyfrecator unit to destroy skin tags.
Skin Tag Removal
(6:49 min)Multiple skin tags of various size are removed using the hyfrecator unit and also scissors. Included is a discussion of the use of Drysol to stop bleeding.
Incision and Tumor Removal
(6:43 min)A small abdominal lipoma is removed from a previously anesthetized patient (local injection of Lidocaine and epinephrine) and the incision site is closed using a one layered closure (vertical mattress suture using 4-0 Prolene.)
تحياتي .. وارجو من الادارة تثبيت الموضوع للفائدة ..
Dr. AG
طوارئ .. عيون العرب .. Emergency
موجز انباء .. قناة عيون العرب الاخبارية ..
حكومتان دون دولة .. شاركنا بكلمة ..
مشاهدة ملفه الشخصي
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