turning sadness into kindness
your uniqueness into strength it's okay to get lost so begin walking once again, once again do you like to be praised by
answering everyone's expectations? will your smile always be beautiful
even if you hide your true self? just dreaming the beginning then waking up the continuation can be reached someday by myself the most important thing is always without any shape
even if you have it or lose it
you'll never know turning sadness into kindness your uniqueness into strength it's okay to get lost so begin walking once again, once again getting the new wind on your side it's now okay to search for the blue bird
the most important thing is always without any shape
even if you have it or lose it
you'll never know turning sadness into kindness your uniqueness into strength it's okay to get lost so begin walking it's natural like the rainbow that somehow appears after tears the rain stopped so the most important thing is always without any shape
even if you have it or lose it
you'll never know turning sadness into kindness your uniqueness into strength believing that you should be able to do it once again, once again once again, are you ready?
__________________ _ أستَغفِر الله العَظيم .. لا حَولَ ولا قوة إلا بالله الحَمدُ لله .. الله أكبر .. سُبحان الله ..
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمد رسول الله ..
اللهم صَلِ وسَلِم وبارِك علي محمد وعلي آله وصَحبِهِ أجمَعين اللهم لا إله إلا أنت الحي القيوم , برحمتك أستَغيث _ |