06-11-2014, 01:04 AM
If you want be realize your dreams? come on >> realize your dreams..no wavering...
Not coming back...Be best...Indicate all your talents and your abilities...
you are the best .. If you want be the best..be strogest..Decorate patient..
Indicate all your having..Indicate your strong..Not harbor..
not to let the despair control our on and your dreams..Advance to opposite.
open the dreams door..
Indicate the best..be strogest..Realize your purpos and your dreams and your hobbies..
Look around you..The more people realize thier dreams and thier scors..
Do not allow any one that gets in your way..Not wavering...Be strong...Connie courage..
The all people see you..You must win..
Realize your desires.. open your heart those who trust you..not coming back..
Be patiently..Design a progress and success..
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