عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 11-21-2014, 05:12 PM
من المقابله
Question : From start to finish, Naruto & Sasuke’s relation mirrors one of two twin brothers, right ?

Kishimoto : Because I have myself a twin brother ( Seishi Kishimoto ), It was like I really felt what Naruto felt himself since his time as a kid while growing up.
This story is kinda uncool, so I don’t want to talk about it really, but … we had really small bodies during our time as grade school students.

During holidays, my brother used to do on me the Paro Special when Kinnikuman enters the scene in the manga.

While It’s not really bullying, but since he had such a small body it was really to soon for him to try that.
And when I watched him like this, I felt the pain that he was enduring, like it was me who tried the techique.
In reality, I could sometime hear my brother trying the Kinniku Driver in his room.

It’s a strange story, you know. But this was during these moments that I really felt like “You really are my brother.”
Like it was felling physically my bond with my brother.

When we became High School Students and College Students, a friend had one sided love, everything doesn’t go always as planned.
So there was times, with my friends, when I felt I was in the shoes of my brother during his time as a grade school student.

Then I remember thinking about my friend:”Me and this guy really get along great.”
My point is, brotherly love and frienship … For me are the same thing.

So, I really think I was lucky to have Seishi as my brother.

The model for Naruto & Sasuke’s frienship, is modelled after the one I felt with my brother.

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