عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 12-10-2014, 08:23 PM
تصيبني نوبات متتالية من الضحك الهستيري كلما قرات محتوى هذه المقابلة كيشي يانافخ القلوووووب ههههه
「ナルトがヒナタと一緒になることは結構早い段階で決めていましたね。だからこそ、ナルトとサクラがくっつくかのようにミスリードさせるために、あえてサクラとナルトの母親であるクシナの動きを重ねるかのようなシ ーンを描いたりもしたんです」。
"NARUTO ga HINATA to isshou ni narukoto wa kekkou hayai dankai de kimeteimashitane. Dakara koso NARUTO to SAKURA ga kuttsuku ka no you ni MISLEAD saseru tame ni, aete SAKURA to NARUTO no hahaoya de aru KUSHINA no ugoki kaneru ka no you na SCENE wo egaitari moshitan desu."
short version:
Naruto ending up with Hinata was decided in the very early stages of the story.
Naruto being close to Sakura was a deliberate mislead, that was the entire point of the scenes of Sakura being compared to Kushina, for exemple.
The Last Movie is not only the story of Naruto falling in love with Hinata, but it is the story of Sakura & Naruto parting ways.
He felt the story of Naruto falling in love with Hinata has to be propely explained, or it wouldn’t be fair to the readers. That’s why the Last Movie exists.
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