الموضوع: Memories ............ ♥
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 01-03-2015, 10:32 AM
Bury me in the bedroom where I can sing you to sleep all night
Put me next to the open window, promise me a second time
Cause I don't wanna leave without you buried by my side
I'd rather kill the one responsible for falling stars at night
Cause the fall all around me, the night can be deadly

And they'll never take us alive
Can you chase away the darkness?
To live in love, and die
Last night, she recited every reason she's fine

this will always be mine
so much more than just a dream to me
and I will never be fine with letting you ruin everything
and I will never follow your lead, give up on you
so you can take it out on me
I'm sorry that you had to watch your life
come tumbling down



S M O S H / / S W S / / P T V / / T H E 1 9 7 5
B V B / / 1 D / / 5 S O S / / B M T H
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