عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 02-23-2015, 08:21 PM
ردة فعل احد مشاهدي الفلم في الوما (ويقولون ان الفلم لقي ردود فعل سلبية منهم ؟؟! لم نعد نسمع شيئا من الناروساكو الاجانب هذه الايام ... يبدو انهم تبخروا من الخجل )
Having withdrawals from watching Naruto The Last!
That movie was art in every way. The voice actors were truly thier roles, the script was amazing, everything flowed so perfectly and oh my god the design was mindblowing! I could go on all day about how amazing it was and how it showed that each character matured as adults but were definitely not adults yet. You could even tell that they are powerful now not jist over powered but like refimed thier skills and became true ninjas! AHHHH 10 OUTTA 10!
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