09-18-2015, 10:18 AM
岸本斉史:「難しかったのはサクラとサスケのお別れシーン木の葉隠れの里を出ていくシーン。ヒロインのサク ラが止めるのですが、大声で『好き』って言って、恋人みたいになっちゃって恥ずかしくなった( 笑)。」
Masashi Kishimoto: If I had to mention a difficult scene, it would be the parting scene between Sakura and Sasuke. The scene when Sasuke leaves the village of Konoha. Sakura, the heroine, stops him - and shouts “I love you” at him. It made it sound a bit like they were lovers, which felt rather embarrassing
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة A K I Z A ; 09-18-2015 الساعة 10:59 AM |