الدرس الثآني : »|معهد اللغة الانجليزية|«
عرض مشاركة واحدة
10-11-2015, 09:17 PM
↵ Y E L L O W ⌁
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Good afternoon teacher!
how are you ?
i hope fine
okay,first i want told you something
when you not understand me what i wrote here say for me
because I'm not using translate
okay - my cute teacher your help me so much!!
because we learn that"حروف العله" i know the
when i grade 6 !
i dont forget that because my last teacher learn us
"like this words " I UAE
the Emirates my lovely country
annnnnnnnnd i know the another words with the sound
"example "Photoshop - cat
ammm,yes i think i'm good with this lesson
thank you very much my senseh
mmmmm you have lesson 1?
i just see 2
if you have lesson 1
plz. give me the link on my profile
يججنننننننن تكتبون انقللللللللش )))))))))))))))))=
يارب فههمتي
ترا م استخدمت ترججججمةة الا ع كلمه وحدة ايمارتس
ابي اشوف الاسبلينق صح ولا
لج تقييم ~
↵ Y E L L O W ⌁
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