عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-15-2015, 03:43 AM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة мɪss yυĸɪ● مشاهدة المشاركة
الفلم كان رواية,ثم تحول إلى فلم,والفلم عٌدلَ من طرف كيشي 7 مرات حتى أنه سماه بالفصل 699.5 أي الفصل قبل الأخير للقصة لذا الفلم 100% canon!

if someone is bothering you over naruto the last not being canon show ‘em this:
The movie is the first film to be an official part of the narutostoryline, set during the timeskip that occurs between chapters 699 and 700. In an advertisement published along with the final two chapters, the film was officially dubbed chapter “699.5.”
kishimoto is credited at 3 jobs for the movie :character designer original story chief story supervisor source : Official movie site
كيشيموتو تم ذكره ب3 أعمال في الفيلم هي:
1- تصميم الشخصيات
2- القصة الأساسية
4-مشرف على القصة
المصدر: موقع الفلم الرسمي
كيشيموتو بنفسه قال بأن الفلم تابع للمانجا,وقال حتى للمتابعين بأن يشاهدوه بعد نهايتها!
كيشيموتو عدل على النص 7 مرات,وكان مشرفاً على القصة حتى أنك ستجد خطوط حمراء على نصوص الفلم وهي تعديلات كيشيموتو.
تم الذكر بالموقع الرسمي وكيشي بأن الفلم هو التشابتر 699.5 أي قبل الأخير.
Given that my original work (the manga) and the new upcoming movie are connected, i would highly recommend that you see the movie immediately after you have finished with reading the manga. This movie is, to put it bluntly, going to be about romantic love*. To this day i have yet to implement a movie about that in the series, so please enjoy it along with what remains of naruto!” - masashi kishimoto

now, why is this movie canon?

The trailer clearly narrates/writes ‘gensaku no, sono saki e’. This means ‘towards the future of the original’. Posessive pronoun. Of the original. The original’s future. However you want to say it.
Both the trailer and the first poster state that kishimoto is in charge of character design and total story control.
The movie site’s summary blatantly says: Only the original series creator, masashi kishimoto knows [what will happen].
Okay? The original’s future. Total story control. Only kishimoto knows. That’s as canon as canon can get.

And if i see one more person spreading false info and confusing other fans, i will go shannaro on your ass.

This has been a naruto fandom psa, thank you for your time and have a good day.
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