عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 02-22-2016, 07:46 PM

When she is a #‎Daughter , she opens a door of Jannah for her father .
When she is a #‎Wife , she completes half of the Deen of her husband .
When she is a #‎Mother , jannah lies under her feet .
If everyone knew the true status of a #‎Muslim_woman in #‎Islam , even the man would want to be women .
" Shiekh Akram Nadawi "



First :

*(.,. بـيـن الـمـاضـي و الـحـب .,.)*
{ 37 Part } ,..

Second :
/.~. { عـآد لــكـن هـل تـغـيـر ؟.؟}.~.\
{ 20 Part } ,..

Third :
►♥◄ I Ľŏɤȇ ᶆү Ľỉttſḗ Ṧῐᶊ ►♥◄
{ حالياً 4 parts! }

رد مع اقتباس