الموضوع: Hey Darkness
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-01-2016, 05:56 AM
Once i had a dream
I was walking in a long road alone
In the midnight under the shining stars
I was walking slowly with no heading
No map no guidelines nothing
I was just walking there alone thinking
?How the world will end
?Will it end burning
Due to our sins
?Will it end destroyed
By our flaws
Will it be vanished
Like our morals
Or will it end in silence
?Just like our humanity
?Which way will it end
Then I woke up and realized
The world is only getting worse
Our end is much worse than we imagine
Much worse than we thought
We are what's wrong in this world
We made it worse we made it cruel
We made it who we are
The way we die is how we were when were

Thank you HALA Again x2
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