الموضوع: Hey Darkness
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 08-10-2016, 02:59 AM
Love is more than a smile or a laugh or the look
it's something even the ones who's fallen in love
can't explain it it's something so much deep even your
bodies creates a really strong connection nothing could break it
except them. the lovers
? I'm wondering how people could love just like that with a blink of an eye
I'm really curious tell me how
?but you really can't give me one can you
because you didn't
how can you know it
easy if you got sick then your lover would get sick if you were sad then the other one will be sad too
because this bond that love creates it allows every motion to be transferred
to the other side
so if you don't have it yet
then one of you two
don't love the other or you both don't
and as a reminder love is pure don't make dirty with your irresponsible actions
keep this words in your head


Thank you HALA Again x2
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