? Dark Night may I speak to you for a moment "
The knight looked a bit surprised for his childhood friend tension
?? since when he behave politely or is there a bad news
Go ahead "
Could you please hand to me that pretty star over there"
the one in the middle area with the most shining appearance
..now I am afraid I can`t see her clearly
but I saw her golden lighting just a few seconds ago
? if I am not asking for trouble , would you grant my wish
..I would love to have her , see her
..also I don`t wont to
.. AND
..I want to feel her light , her scent
..also I don`t wont to
..I know my words doesn't make sense right now
well I beg for your forgiveness if I might sound rude or insulted you
!! It was not my intention at all
! It`s just that ,, I don`t know what she did to me
I am cursing myself inside that I made a picture of damn fool
in your present
.. any way ,, just tell her that I came and
..I mean never mind its ah .. will be an honor if she knew that I
" !! well good bye ,, have a nice evening milord
he run away lifting the knight shocked with
severe war going in his thought
? what`s wrong with that man today !! , what was his language
!? why was he tumbling around me like an idiot all of a sudden
!! Oh God please have mercy on us
لا احد يسألني عن الخربطة أعلاه *^*
قلت اجرب اكتب لي شيء بالإنجليزي وطلع الي شايفينه فوق
مو عارفه حتى شنو القصه او الموضوع :8:
جلست ساعتين بس في هاد المقطع .. اجل شلون اذا الواحد بكتب فصل كامل
يا ساتر بجلس يوم كامل يعني XD
يلا خبروني وطمنوني انو المحاولة ما كانت فاشله خ
كله من روا برنامج ومجتمع Wattpad كتاباتهم جابت لي الهارت >.<3
متى بلحق مستوياتهم !!
يلا خير بوصل إن شاء الله * هالثقه بتذبحني بشيء يوم