الموضوع: Distant Eyes
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 01-09-2017, 08:31 PM
The Power in the Wrong Hands Could Lead to
Disasters, so as Ability these two if the fell in the wrong hands
There will be a flaw in the nature, a flaw will lead to another and another and so on
! Then these flaws will eventually become a human law to rule humans
We can't rule each other without any mistake, we are creatures filled with flaws
So what should we do, So all the humans would be equal with each other
how could we rule each other while we are filled with flaws
how could we be so sure that this person has the same rights as the other one
?All of that by ourselves
It's Simple
We Can't
That's why there's religion
religion to be general or the holy book to be specific
Is Our maker laws
the laws were all the Universe Obey to
No planet, No moon, No stone, No Atoms has ever disobeyed their maker
Except One Creature
Which is as you know is Us
Humans, We are the greatest Creatures
We Have the Ultimate Blessing
Is the Ability to think and choose
.With all the blessing we have and the ability to take actions
.We have atheists
?Do you imagine that you were made by the nature around you
They have many hypothesises And amazingly they never end
They just refuse to believe in something to obey it
they want to live free with no limits and no higher laws
they want to make laws by themselves so the can do whatever
they want under that cover that called law
! these ain't laws these are just a little kid desires
It's nearly the same
Every human law is based on someone desires
In the end we are only humans
we are a great creatures but in the end we are weak too
why do we have to be so rebellious with our maker
we just have to surrender to his laws and we can live
like a great creature
all we have to do is to obey
but i guess no one will do that
they will only get much worse than before
until the end comes and no one is ready to take responsibility
everyone will runaway and hide their actions in the back of others
We are Not the Greatest Creatures
We are the Worst
.We Deserve to Suffer
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