عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 07-02-2008, 09:12 PM
رد: مين يقدر يساعدني لو سمحتوا

مستواي بالانجليزي جيد الى جيد جدا .. فأعذريني لو ما طلع تمام مرة مرة ..اوكي

Granddaughter : Salamu `Alikum grandmother , why you look so dreamy to day ?.. are you sad ? ... Allah forbid
Grandmother : Wa`likum `Asslam , dear child .. no I`m not sad .. not at all .. Im just thinking about my old days

Granddaughter : Oh , grandmother .. always I feel that old days are such a wonderful days .. tell me about them , please

Grandmother : well child , yes they were a wonderful days , and so simple to .. I used to live in a farm where I enjoyed every day of my life even if I had to work hard a little bit .. I used to get the water right from the well .. I used to wake up so early right before the dawn .. I used to hold my old cup of tea and go to the bordlines of my tribe farm to watch the morning emerging between the golden hills and highlands .. they were sparkling and glisten as the sun gradually araise , this amazing view used to make me wake up , every day .. just to watch it ..!! .. really I long for those days

granddaughter : Grandmother how lucky you are ..!! and how poor one you are ..!!!... you are lucky because you used to to live that simple beautyfyl life .. and poor because you had to come here to the city ..!!!! ..

Grandmother : well , my lovely child .. here in the city I have every thing I need .. I have you my lovely granddaughter ..!! .. it just I`m longing for my life I used to live .. once in the past

Granddaughter : grandmother , I have a great news ..! .. my father told me that we are going to have our vacation next week in our farm .. I wasn`t happy but now .. I`m really looking forward to see the farm ..!!I`m wondering ?? if our vacation will be as good as you said

Grandmother : It will be good , so good .. simply marvelous .. I guarntee to you ...!!

Granddaughter : allright then ..! Im going to packing

أسألي أي أحد مرة ثانية عن القرارمر و الاملاء لني موووووووو شاطرة فيهم ..!

ما ابغى منك الا الدعوات الحلوة ان ربي يحقق لي اللي ابغاه

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