She was my best friend ! She was the clousest friend to my heart !!!! They was playing with me from 4 year ago!! How dare they .. I was a little girl.. how could she do this to me ..
How could I be so nice to her ... I was so pure and innocent .. and believed her from my heart .. it's hurt .. a lot
- لا تثق بالناس كثيراً ، لأن البعض ؛ ينسى وجودك عندما يجد من هو افضل منك .
- خطِيئةَ الأنْقيَاء ، هِي ظَنُّهم أن الجَميع مثْلهُمْ . سبب غيابي ، هنا لو اردت :" class="inlineimg" /> |