function chk_longD(LONGD,LONGM,msg1,msg2){ if (LONGD.value!='') { if (isNaN(LONGD.value)) { LONGD.value='';; LONGD.focus(); alert(msg1); return false } } if (LONGD.value!=0) { if (!parseInt(LONGD.value,10)) { LONGD.value='';; LONGD.focus(); alert(msg1); return false } } if (LONGD.value=='') { LONGD.value='';; LONGD.focus(); alert(msg1); return false } if (parseInt(LONGD.value,10)>180) { LONGD.value=180; LONGM.value=0; LONGD.focus(); alert(msg2); return false; } if(parseInt(LONGD.value,10)90) { LATTD.value=90; LATTM.value=0; LATTD.focus(); alert(msg2); return false; } if(parseInt(LATTD.value,10) 30) { alert("لا يمكن أن يكون هناك أكثر من 30 يوما") // and select the 30 for them... document.forms[0].Day.selectedIndex = 0 err = true return } } } else { //if it IS February , check if it's a leap year yr1 = parseInt(document.forms[0].Year.options[document.forms[0].Year.selectedIndex].value) // (this is the modulus operation which returns the remainder of the selected year divided by 4 leapYrTest = yr1 % 4 // if the year divides evenly by 4, it is a leap year and the remainder will be 0... if (leapYrTest == 0) { // so our max day for february is 29 maxdy = 29 } else { maxdy = 28 } // if the user selected a value greater than the max day AND the month is February if (dy > maxdy) { // Alert the user and set the day back to 1 alert("لا يمكن أن يكون هناك أكثر من" +maxdy+ "يوما") document.forms[0].Day.selectedIndex = 0 err = true return } }} function checkDate(){ mnth = document.forms[0].Month.options[document.forms[0].Month.selectedIndex].value mnth = parseInt(mnth)+1; dy = parseInt(document.forms[0].Day.options[document.forms[0].Day.selectedIndex].value) //if the month isn't February... if (mnth != 2) { // then see if it's a month that only has 30 days... if (mnth == 4 || mnth == 6 || mnth == 9 || mnth == 11) { // if it is, and the day value is greater than 30, alert the user if (dy > 30) { alert("لا يمكن أن يكون هناك أكثر من 30 يوما") // and select the 30 for them... document.forms[0].Day.selectedIndex = 0 err = true return } } } else { //if it IS February , check if it's a leap year yr1 = parseInt(document.forms[0].Year.options[document.forms[0].Year.selectedIndex].value) // (this is the modulus operation which returns the remainder of the selected year divided by 4 leapYrTest = yr1 % 4 // if the year divides evenly by 4, it is a leap year and the remainder will be 0... if (leapYrTest == 0) { // so our max day for february is 29 maxdy = 29 } else { maxdy = 28 } // if the user selected a value greater than the max day AND the month is February if (dy > maxdy) { // Alert the user and set the day back to 1 alert("لا يمكن أن يكون هناك أكثر من" +maxdy+ "يوما") document.forms[0].Day.selectedIndex = 0 err = true return } }}function jump(formelement){ var[].value; formelement.City.options.length=conn[increment]; for (var k=0; k var Form = ""; function OnLoad(){ Form = GetForm("frmForm"); //var lng = Form.popLang.value; // if(lng == 'SET'){ //'popUpLang.jsp','popup',"toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scro llbars=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=214,height=216,left=160,top=320"); // } }var conn=new Array("1","9","10","2","6","4","3","4","8","6","1","5","2","1","6","1","8","10","11","4","6","3","2" ,"8","9","1","9","1","10","3","7","2","3","9","6","3","2","3","2","11","6","6","1","3","5","11","11" ,"7","7","1","1","10","1","1","1","10","4","4","2","3","2","10","1","6","1","4","9","1","1","3","10" ,"7","5","2","3","1","8","2","6","4","3","2","1","1","1","1","1","1","1","3","6","1","2","2","2","2" ,"4","10","3","2","4","1","1","5","2","1","4","2","11","6","4","2","4","4","2","6","4","4","6","1"," 6","5","6","4","4","1","1","3","4","10","5","7","5","3","7","1","6","1","5","4","11","1","2","1","2" ,"3","7","8","3","10","1","1","4","5","1","3","5","7","1","4","3","3","1","2","1")var cities=new Array(165);for(var j=0;j