headshots has for a long time assumed a timely part of my life and in my marriage MO. As a kid everyone could locate myself with a 35mm Kodak camera in my hands snapping pictures of my favorite relatives and flowers, and the fantastic local color about the small coastal town in the north Virginia Bay where my mother and I were raised. This love grew with time laterally into a loving long sought skill that I enveloped, scanning magazine pictures and natural photography in my teenage and young adult life. After, I began drafting a highly sought marketing life plan in which enigmatic momentum and enriching energies started to flower and show within my outdoor work. Now and for the future I am forever a full time referenced and award winning Seattle Headshot affordable Photographer and service the complete the USA and all of Portland. I am also a in demand Seattle real estate Photographer. Also share my treasured site in order to discover more about my love:
Family Photographer Seattle