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قديم 07-24-2010, 10:01 PM
Nike Air Max 90 – Black – White – Turbo Green

2010 has seen a bunch of off-colored green tones. Lucky Green, Varsity Green,MBT Shoes, Cool Mint,Kanye West Shoes, Pine Green, and of course Light Retro, a light aqua-green with no connection to the name at all. This new Air Max 90 colorway features Turbo Green with a black and white upper; Turbo Green is a slightly lighter shade of teal, and can be seen on the bottom sole as well as the upper textile material seen on the toe and ankle collar. Not even a year ago a similar colorway dropped with altered colorblocking, but that color was called Radiant Emerald. Whether or not Turbo Green will make you ran faster is indeterminable but this colorway should definitely sell out quick. These just recently dropped at Kicks-Crew and other online retailers so check them out.Style: 325018-020Color: Black/White-Turbo Green
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Black....White ...and Red samir albattawi موسوعة الصور 7 02-03-2011 11:41 PM

الساعة الآن 12:42 AM.

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