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قديم 08-09-2010, 06:21 PM
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His wife is a small tail, I go where she should be asked. I am tired,mbt shoes sale, but she never tired. However, this small point, but in that of the heavy rain the night gone forever ... ... I feel very sad, heart full of guilt and pain, I can not forgive myself fault. wedding day, my wife used the money to buy a ring I bought a cell phone. That night, the two of us over and over in bed with the phone ringing debugging. We feel that life is like this ringtone, loud, sweet, full of longing and hope. From that day on, I often received her phone: \warm. Once, I forgot to charge their cell phones, they just accompany the leadership to the grassroots level, entertaining to the middle of the night to get back home, opened the door for a look, I found my wife had her eyes red from crying. Original work from the time I started, she hit a telephone every quarter of an hour, I do not in the service area. More anxious wife, always thought that something happens, then every 10 minutes playing time, until I open the door, she just had the microphone down. My wife fuss disapproval: \! \ then I rise the level, money, cell phone to several. Suddenly one day,Discount Sheepskin boots, I think owes wife the ring, he excitedly pulled her to go to commercial. But she hesitated and said: \ day one in our bedroom, a living room, send a short message each other, have a good time great. One night, my colleagues and to play cards with friends, are playing in Hing head, his wife called the phone: \colleagues play cards at home. \Outside it began to rain, his wife's phone rang again: \you tell me where you are,Bailey Button Boots 25 very practical computer knowledge, I'll pick you! \ dawn, I lose too empty-handed, a friend sent me home with the car, locking the door unexpectedly, his wife was not home. Just then, the phone rang, a call from my mother, side of the phone cried and said: She came out late at night Maozhao Yu, riding a bike, take an umbrella to go home to find my colleague, went to a another one, way out the accident, did not wake up. I open the phone, saw the top one unread message: \I took my umbrella! \I burst into tears, again and again looked at the short message, I think that one night I lost the entire world. wife's death has been 3 months, but I still can not wake up from nightmares, I do not want to work, the whole say depression malaise, and a second thought to accompany her away ... ... reposted elsewhere purpose of this paper, we have learned is to cherish! Do not let those who love you be the least bit hurt! Do not wait lose before'd rather die! If you moved, please cherish your love !!!!!! If you love your Love, in any case please do not give up,pandora jewelry sale, persist in the end, you have to do with a life worthy of your love to love the man!
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