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تحميل العاب اكس بوكس بلاستيشن XBOX360 & PS3 playstation بلاي استيشن دريم كاست نتندو64 جيم كيوب القسم يهتم بالالعاب الالكترونية ألعاب كاملة و نادرة واخبارها وحلول حل حلولها (سوني - اكس بوكس -جيم كيوب - والكثير من مشغلات الالعاب), ممنوع طلب او وضع كراكات, سيريل نمبر, مولد ارقام, كيجن. مغلق للصيانه

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قديم 04-29-2013, 02:01 AM
لعبة الرعب والمغامرات Anna 2013

لعبة الرعب والمغامرات Anna - Extended Edition

Anna - Extended Edition (2013/MULTI8/Repack by Fenixx)
2013 | PC | Developer: Dreampainters Software | Publisher: Kalypso Media | 750MB
Language: English, Russian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Polish
Sound language: English, Italian
Genre: Adventure / Horror

Anna - adventure with elements of horror. The main character is back on a sawmill, located in a valley, to explore and understand the meaning of his nightmares. He has no idea that there could find, but weight of the past is stronger than reason. He must enter into and meet your destiny ...
The game world is based on real places located in the Alpine region of north-western Italy. Anna - Extended Edition reissued taking into account comments and suggestions of thousands of players. Unlike the original (which is also present in This release) in the re-release of more playing time, more puzzles, more gameplay features, as well as enhanced graphics and an improved interface.

Features repack:
- It is based on license
* Audio quality 100%
* Video quality is 100%
* Exclusive installer
* Installation of additional Soft'a (DirectX, Visual C , NET Framework)
* All the way registry maintained
* Start the launcher via a shortcut on the desktop or the Start menu
* Start Anna.v through the shortcut on the desktop or the Start menu
* Start Anna.Extended Edition.v through the shortcut on the desktop or the Start menu
* Installation requires 512 MB ??of RAM
* Approximate install time 1 minute (s, s)
* Game archives are not touched
* Based on a licensed copy of the game from Kalypso Media, an update on Steam on 14.04.2013

اقل متطلبات للتشغيل:
v Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7
v Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo - 1,8 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 - 2.2 GHz
v Memory: 1 GB
v Video: 128 MB (GeForce 6600 GT / Radeon X1300 XT)
v Sound Card: compatible with DirectX
v Optional: keyboard and mouse
v Free space on hard disk: 2,65 GB

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