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المحادثة بين رسامة الامل و ●ŋŏɑšïƘɑ●
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 10 من 323
  1. رسامة الامل
  2. ●ŋŏɑšïƘɑ●
    08-09-2011 11:52 AM - permalink
    thanks that very kind of u its fine but i hopped that it'll better anyway i think god for that how are u?
  3. رسامة الامل
    08-03-2011 09:42 PM - permalink
    رسامة الامل
    peace upon you
    i just heard that the results where given on Monday
    and i felt that it's my duty to ask
    how was your result?
    hope it's what you wish...
    sorry to bother you^^
  4. ●ŋŏɑšïƘɑ●
    08-01-2011 10:56 AM - permalink
    yes i know what u mean
  5. رسامة الامل
    08-01-2011 04:34 AM - permalink
    رسامة الامل

    thanks ^^
  6. رسامة الامل
    08-01-2011 04:33 AM - permalink
    رسامة الامل
    it's not very hard
    but i don't have enough time
    and i like taking care of the details
  7. ●ŋŏɑšïƘɑ●
  8. ●ŋŏɑšïƘɑ●
    07-31-2011 11:26 AM - permalink
    thats must be hard i wish u to finish it
  9. رسامة الامل
    07-31-2011 11:20 AM - permalink
    رسامة الامل
    i think it's going o take some time because it's long
    i have a feeling that it's going to take 4 years
    the same time that the mangaka tool to draw it
    because i have other jobs
    i translete manga one day a week
  10. ●ŋŏɑšïƘɑ●
    07-31-2011 11:15 AM - permalink
    i hope u be ready soon so i can see it

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