عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

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المحادثة بين Joℓɨε ȼœυя و لا تسجلون خروج بدون لقب
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 9 من 9
  1. Joℓɨε ȼœυя
    06-25-2019 04:13 PM - permalink
    Joℓɨε ȼœυя
    I felt the same
    when the forum
    threw me out last time x"))
    I guess in the past the green ones where powerful than how they are now *^*
    Hahahahhhhhhhhh it is okay xDD
  2. لا تسجلون خروج بدون لقب
    Yes.. there is that green girl but she’s usless..
    Yesssss exactly xDDDDD !!!
  3. Joℓɨε ȼœυя
    06-25-2019 03:55 PM - permalink
    Joℓɨε ȼœυя
    I wish that xDD
    The problem is that there is no one from the administration to help you now xDDD

    Oh S*** have I just signed out without a user name ?
  4. لا تسجلون خروج بدون لقب
    This is the last time believe me
    Wish you could see my face when I realized I just signed out
  5. Joℓɨε ȼœυя
    06-25-2019 03:51 PM - permalink
    Joℓɨε ȼœυя
    ذكر + دلوعة xDDD
  6. Joℓɨε ȼœυя
    06-25-2019 03:50 PM - permalink
    Joℓɨε ȼœυя
    Sorry dude xDD ! Thought you are a girl xD
  7. Joℓɨε ȼœυя
    06-25-2019 03:01 PM - permalink
    Joℓɨε ȼœυя

    going to count how many accounts you creat whenever *تنطردين *
    from your principal account xDD
  8. Joℓɨε ȼœυя
    06-25-2019 02:59 PM - permalink
    Joℓɨε ȼœυя
    "Lavita be like : "don't be like me
  9. Joℓɨε ȼœυя
    06-25-2019 02:58 PM - permalink
    Joℓɨε ȼœυя

الساعة الآن 10:23 AM.

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