:9'!! Well .. Valthabayh but you will not change
my point of view it never
Hahaha but what do I love him, even though it was a fictional character: $ $ !!
Hahaha .. Order translated in Google, for example, O evil !!
!! ؛"9 Yes, but I do not love him
!! I've imagined I will be with "Aiato" only evil O
!! Hahah
For I have just waking up
؟؟! Listen .. What do you think that talking Baliapani
Why I think he's cute
Yah you told me
Hhhhhh Ilast night I started to think what would I do If I were her !!!!
The red color blindness me cause its these me cause it the same color for the background :$
!! Hahaha .. You are just like me
Name ((Righto)),
!! :"9 But I do not like, and is the younger Subaru
I dislike only "Aiato and girl by the name Yu"!! >> Once imagined I girl Yu x "D!! ..
Oh what this problem?!!
يب انا اكره ريجي
و كيف قاعد يصارخ عليهم و يتحكم فيهم
اممممم على ما أظن هو قبل الأخير
شوفي احلى أربعة هم " شو ، آياتو ، و أصغر واحد ، و البنت "
و يخوفني الي عندة الدب كيف يعصب بسرعة و شكلة بعد يخوف !!
انتي قلتي بتاخذين اسم الي كان للارنب يعني بس ناقصك التصميم
اما انا الاسم و بس هذا الي ناقصني !!!
Big Brother's name is ((Shaw))
And the second is ((Reggie)),
And third ((Aiato))
And fourth Kanato
And fifth Righto
And the sixth and last name Subaru