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المحادثة بين Mystic River و نَفسْ.
عرض رسائل الزوار 1141 إلى 1150 من 1468
  1. نَفسْ.
    08-07-2016 02:07 AM - permalink
    ok sorry teacher i didn't mean to it was my wrong
    i didn't notice it
    forget boy i'm talking street language
  2. Mystic River
    08-07-2016 02:00 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Hahahaha yup
    Hahaha it's good that you're addicted to a beautiful voice
    + you used than instead of then multiple times
    So I thought I should give you a notice
  3. نَفسْ.
    08-07-2016 01:51 AM - permalink
    hahaha yah you are an old saga
    yah i know i was like you but than i don't know what happened
    i just become addicted to her voice
  4. Mystic River
    08-07-2016 01:31 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    ?Hahaha Really
    I'm not that old
    I listen to the old songs like 2010 and before
    Until my year the 2000's
    Fairoz has a beautiful voice but I don't like her type of songs
  5. نَفسْ.
    08-07-2016 12:43 AM - permalink
    yah you right
    to me in the last period i started listening to the old arabic songs
    such like
    Fairouz and Sabah
  6. Mystic River
    08-07-2016 12:37 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Aha cool
    I like her old songs
    Not too many from the new ones are good
  7. نَفسْ.
    08-07-2016 12:36 AM - permalink
    i didn't hear perfect but i love same old love
    and the heart want what it wants
  8. Mystic River
    08-07-2016 12:33 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Hahahaha I know so as perfect and come and get it
    Lately I was obsessed with perfect
  9. نَفسْ.
    08-07-2016 12:25 AM - permalink
    good for you is a song for selena
  10. Mystic River
    08-07-2016 12:03 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Hahahhaha good for you

الساعة الآن 05:19 PM.

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