عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > Mystic River

المحادثة بين Mystic River و نَفسْ.
عرض رسائل الزوار 1371 إلى 1380 من 1468
  1. Mystic River
    07-30-2016 02:51 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    !hahahha then i shouldd be running now
    ?hahaha you think they are going to believe an evil
  2. نَفسْ.
    07-30-2016 02:39 AM - permalink
    i'm evil but not monster i'm worst
    damn it you eating people, i will till that to the police
  3. Mystic River
    07-30-2016 02:33 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    hahahah no you are evil and i'm half evil we have something in common we can get along don't worry i don't eat evils just the good ones
  4. نَفسْ.
    07-30-2016 02:22 AM - permalink
    so i should start running
  5. Mystic River
    07-30-2016 02:17 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Then i'm a monster :baaad:
  6. نَفسْ.
    07-30-2016 02:13 AM - permalink
    i really don't want to say it
    but i believe that people who are half evil and half good
    are called monsters
  7. Mystic River
    07-30-2016 02:00 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Oh yes i'm bot not a pure one i'm half evil and half good
  8. نَفسْ.
    07-30-2016 01:14 AM - permalink
    no i'm asking if you too evil or not
  9. Mystic River
    07-30-2016 01:07 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    ?do you want a reason to be evil
  10. نَفسْ.
    07-30-2016 01:03 AM - permalink
    why are you evil too.?

الساعة الآن 04:01 PM.

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