عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > Mystic River

المحادثة بين Mystic River و نَفسْ.
عرض رسائل الزوار 1421 إلى 1430 من 1468
  1. نَفسْ.
    07-20-2016 05:12 PM - permalink
    yah but even with this difference people still
    have the same feeling and stories
  2. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 05:04 PM - permalink
    Mystic River
    I Agree With that too
    It's necessary for us to keep living
  3. نَفسْ.
    07-20-2016 04:52 PM - permalink
    weird means different
    and to me the difference is the lung of the world
  4. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 01:44 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Hahahaha you're right
    ?Who's said being weird is wrong
    Everyone is weird
  5. نَفسْ.
    07-20-2016 01:32 AM - permalink
    hahaha anyway i don't got any problem by being weird
  6. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 01:25 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Not is for denying
    I was saying that you're not weird or the way you think
  7. نَفسْ.
    07-20-2016 01:23 AM - permalink
    trust me it's the same hhh
  8. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 01:21 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    No need you didn't
    Haha I didn't say you're weird
    I said not because it's weird
  9. نَفسْ.
    07-20-2016 01:19 AM - permalink
    thank you so much
    sorry for annoying you
    and i'm not weird
  10. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 01:19 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Hahaha i know what you meant

الساعة الآن 07:34 AM.

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